22 Aug 2014

Armband Tattoo Designs and Meanings

Armband Tattoo Designs
Armband Tattoo Made by Me

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Armband Tattoos are in trend these days. Apart from being very stylish, armband tattoos carry a good meaning also. Depending upon kind of pattern you choose, armband tattoos represent warriors, or they are for a person who consists warrior personality or has affinity in war techniques.

Here is an example of Armband Tattoo made by me at Angel Tattoo Design Studio-ph : 88266 02967

I customized this armband tattoo design on customer's demand, so design is unique.  (visit www.tattooinindia.com to know more)

Armband Tattoo Designs, Tribal Armband Tattoo Designs
For Armband Tattoo Designs
Armband Tattoos are mainly done with Black color. Tribal armband tattoos are very famous these days as tribal work is mostly done with black ink.
Mauri Armband Tattoos are very good if designed nicely. Sharpness when drawing the border is an important key to good armband tattoo designing.
(visit www.tattooinindia.com to know more, Gurgaon : Call-WhatsApp 8826602967)

Armband Tattoo Designs
For Armband Tattoo

Armband Tattoos looks best when places just below elbow on fore arm. This is a very prominent body area and it is visible when wearing half sleeves.  Armband Tattoos can also be placed on bicep or wrist depending how you want to carry your tattoo. (visit www.tattooinindia.com to know more)

Varun Dhawan Armband Tatoo, Hollywood Tattoos, Tattoos in Hollywood
For Varun Dhawan Armband Tattoo
In India, armband tattoos took a sudden trend after release of Bollywood movie 'Student of the year' where a new face in industry, Varun Dhawan was having an Armband Tattoo through out the movie. Thanks to Varun Dhawan as I made 3 armband tattoos with one month after release of the movie !
 (visit www.tattooinindia.com to know more)
Angel Tattoo Design Studio in Gurgaon : Call-Whatsapp 8826602967

Yesterday's work at Angel Tattoo Design Studio in Gurgaon, an Armband tattoo with written Jain Shiri Ram in it.

Call-WhatsApp : 8826602967 for tattoo services.

Book Appointment with us. Our complete address is:

Angel Tattoo Design Studio

 Angel Tattoo Design Studio ,IFFCO Chowk, 3RD Floor, Pandit Jeetram Complex, MG Road, Sukhrali, Sector 17, Gurugram, Haryana 122001

Our Google Maps Location is : Angel Tattoo Design Studio 

Me customizing Armband Tattoo Design for my customer : 

Armband Tattoo Designs
Customizing Armband Tattoo Design

To see more Armband Tattoo Designs, please visit :

Armband Tattoo Designs
For Armband Tattoo Designs

Armband Tattoo Designs
For Armband Tattoo Designs

Armband Tattoo Designs
For Armband Tattoo Designs

Here are 10 more Armband Tattoo designs. Disclaimer : These designs are for reference purpose only and this is not the work done by us:

Armband Tattoo, Armband Tattoo Designs, Armband Tattoo Designs for Men, Zodiac Sign Armband Tattoo Designs
Armband Tattoo Designs

Armband Tattoo, Armband Tattoo Designs, Armband Tattoo Designs for Men
Armband Tattoo Designs

Armband Tattoo, Armband Tattoo Designs, Armband Tattoo Designs for Men
Armband Tattoo Designs For Biceps

Armband Tattoo, Armband Tattoo Designs, Armband Tattoo Designs for Men
Armband Tattoo DesignsFor Men

Celtic Armband Tattoo, Armband Tattoo Designs, Armband Tattoo Designs for Men
Celtic Armband Tattoo Designs

Tribal Armband Tattoo, Armband Tattoo Designs, Armband Tattoo Designs for Men
Tribal Armband Tattoo Designs for Biceps

Armband Tattoo, Mauri Armband Tattoo Designs, Armband Tattoo Designs for Men
Mauri-Armband Tattoo Designs

Armband Tattoo, Armband Tattoo Designs, Armband Tattoo Designs for Men
Armband Tattoo Designs

Armband Tattoo, Armband Tattoo Designs, Armband Tattoo Designs for Men
Armband Tattoo Designs

Armband Tattoo Designs for Girls, Armband Tattoo, Armband Tattoo Designs, Best Armband Tattoo Designs
Armband Tattoo Designs for Girls

You can also please visit my personal website www.sattyink.com

Other Posts by me on Tattooing (visit www.tattooinidia.com to know more): 

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